David C. Hughes, Writer

“For the LORD your God will bless you in all your harvest and in all the work of your hands, and your JOY will be complete." –Deuteronomy 16:15

Blog Site Updates & Writing Project Status

Hi everyone!  Just wanted to check in with the latest goings-on with both my blog page and my writing project status.  My, but the wheels of the writing world do turn slowly sometimes!  Like I tell Mary when we’re following an unhurried car on a two-lane road, “If he was going any slower he’d be going backward!”  But life is good, and the lessons I’ve had the pleasure of absorbing lately have been worth their weight in grief and experience!  As my fellow writers know, we live out Romans 8:28 every moment of every day, taking in experience and cranking out stories.  We just can’t help it, it’s what we do!



If you haven’t recently, please check out the other pages on David C. Hughes, Writer:

BIO: I’ve updated my bio with the latest information, including my most recent editing projects.  Two of the books I’ve edited since the beginning of 2014 have been published, and at least one more is in the works.

BYLINES: Caught up to reflect my latest devotionals as well as the acceptance of both Melted Clowns and The Epiphany of Joy for Publication by Progressive Rising Phoenix Press.

BOOK PROJECTS: I added On My Daddy’s Lap to the CHILDREN’S BOOKS category, and The Epiphany of Trust and Love Me from the Inside Out to the NON-FICTION BOOKS page.

EDITING SERVICES:  I’ve uploaded my recent reference letters and photos of the two books I edited that have been published.



Melted Clowns is now with Progressive Rising Phoenix Press in the preliminary design stage.  I can’t wait to see the first layout concept and I’m excited about how it’s going to turn out!  Anticipated release date: 9/20/2014.

The Epiphany of Joy is back in my hands after I sent a copy of the manuscript to more than a dozen readers well-versed in Biblical Truth.  I’ve received nothing but positive and enthusiastic feedback on the book so far, and I’m pressing through the final updates with the goal of submitting the final manuscript to Progressive Rising Phoenix Press for initial design and layout.  Please check out my niece Emilie’s cover art, posted on The Epiphany of Joy tab under NON-FICTION BOOKS.  The girl’s got talent!  Anticipated release date: 9/20/2014.


Thanks again, my dear friends and loved ones, for your continued grace, support, excitement, and encouragement as I press forward with these projects.  I appreciate it more than you know!

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” –Romans 8:28 NIV ®


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